Sunday 4 November 2012

President Obama, Thank You!

Recently, I was in one of my pensive moods and just reflecting on my life, the many twist, turns and curve balls I have faced in my forty plus years. Some of the concerns were legitimate but I realized I was only making my own situation worse by zoning in on the negatives and I remembered being told once by a lecturer that the single most important aspect of getting and staying happy, is having an attitude of gratitude. Immediately I called her and at the end of the conversation, she said; “even as you face the challenges life will throw your way, remember to be thankful for the things that bring you joy”.

Since then a weird thing happened, I was watching the third and final presidential debate and my son said to me, “Daddy why are you so in tuned with American politics”. In replying, I smiled and told him that it gives me a special joy to witness a black man become the most powerful man in the world and through it all, four years later, he has remained grounded and humble fighting everyday for middle class and poor people who placed him in the White House.

He then says to me, “why then it seems Americans don’t like him”. That was a shock question from a 17 year old but I decided to be philosophical in my answer, “often times we don’t appreciate the things that are best for us until it’s too late”

In addition to fact that I believe President Obama’s policies, intelligence, values and experience is on point with the changing times around the world, he is a rare politician that actually says what he means and means what he says and I hope Americans realize how lucky they are to have him on their ballot. Please go out and vote on November 6 and give this rare politician a chance to continue to change the status quo in not just the United States of America, but the rest of the world, one policy at a time. Please we beg of you, do it for all our sons and daughters and the world they will lead in 20 years.

Thank you President Obama for the path you’ve chosen, lots of young black young lives have been inspired. Here’s to a second term in the White House.

One love… From Jamaica!

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Find me on Facebook: Donovan White
