“suuuuhhhhmmmm…. huuuuhhhmmmm….”
Heavy breathing, slow deep breaths. Panting, running, medium, heavy breaths.
On and on I go! Down the street I roam… Breathing in, breathing out….
“Legs say
stop, but my brain says GO!!!!!” It is still a love hate relationship...
or should I say love like..... LOL! Gauging my route, psyching myself up....
Just me and my partners: asphalt, concrete, nature, GPS pedometer, and Pandora
pumping in my ears..... "…Wi ready fah di roooaaaaddd...," such an
appropriate song for the adventures ahead. Yes, I personally call it an
adventure, some call it a ‘challenge’ (I do interchange at times)….. Whatever
the crutch word, I shall achieve the goal, to becoming a pro jogger.
I am a novice, having always had an interest in jogging, but did not know where
to start really. I started a few times and during each tries, I
stopped because I was out of breath. Hmmmmm…., that was a year and a half
ago. During the days, weeks, and months of procrastination I have ogled, and dreamed of the great
jogger I was, running 6 to 10 miles a day. My daydreams continued, and was
prompted after admiring the dedication of Donovan White of Sonic Steppers
Running Club in Jamaica, and my newfound friend Shon Gables of StaYoung Running
Club in Texas. So in 2015 I'm overcoming the fear, that, plus
I have been challenged. I reached out to her this year, and Shon set the tone for my
adventures a head, to build on my endurance in short jogging sequences.

am not one to back from a challenge, Yes…. I was dared… J J….
Aaannnddd…, I was intrigued by the incentives of quickly shedding
fat, building stronger respiratory and cardiovascular systems, and the promotion
of great physical conditions, not to mention appearance. After re-reading Donovan’s
Renaissance Man blog
"Love, Friendship and a Passion for Running,"
and Shon’s lovely challenge, I am happy to report I started jogging since
January. The choice was to either jog ten minutes (only) on a treadmill or jog
four blocks (only), five times per week. I opted for the blocks, jogging around
my community, with nature being my pull. The boredom of being a treadmill makes
me gag. Furthermore, I am a water creature, jogging pass lakes and breathing in
fresh air are more appealing than a sweaty gym any day.
I am getting to like jogging, and presently
building on my endurance. Depending on the route I take, 4 blocks equate to
2.72km or 3.03km in 25 and 30 minutes respectively. So far I'm gaining strides,
no longer at the run/walk phase and my speed is still steady, between 5km/h to
11km/h. I am now at the point of wanting to jog more than four blocks, but I
know I am still not ready, my endurance is still a work in progress.
In Progress
I am still learning, and with continued help from the pros, I will definitely
get there! One factor that keeps me focused, is setting practical, clear,
realistic goals. I am currently researching the proper running shoes, though I
am overwhelmed, my mentors have directed me to some great finds.
on my endurance five times a week have given me the willpower to overcome this
limitation. My breathing will be my greatest challenge yet! I am still learning
the proper form of breathing, and working out which breathing pattern is the
right form for me. Considering I am a novice, and my pace is still quite slow,
I am working on the pattern that is in tune with my pace, whether 3-2, 2-3, 2-2
or 2-1. The 3-2 or 2-3 pattern seems to be the winner so far, the others I
gather are for the faster pace, professionals of this art.
next item of business is diet. As the saying goes, “abs are made in the
kitchen,” my clean eating is on point, 30% gym/workout to 70% diet. Repeat
after me, if you are not eating clean, jogging or any form of exercise is
useless! This is especially so if you have a set goal, such as, losing 10
pounds within a month, preparing for a 5k, 10k…, marathon, or aiming for optimal
fitness / physical condition.

All in
all, I have to creep before I can JOG…. LOL! I have started small and
going slow, but will remain ENCOURAGED….. Start small, achieve BIG......! It is extremely important to express my great admiration to
the pros. An even BIGGER kudos to those who jog long distance, in the cold, in
treacherous conditions, etc. I remember jogging on a windy day in 59 degrees
Fahrenheit weather, and my throat and upper lungs were on fire!!!! Anyone
jogging below 50 degrees, deserves all the recognition!!!! Despite these odds,
which I see as very slim, I will not be deterred. With Donovan and Shon on my
side, I know I will start jogging 10 miles before the year ends. Their stamina
and visible changes are enough motivation to not give up! I thank YOU!!!!
Will is the impetus to achieve… NEVER GIVE UP!” ~ KSH
Find Keisha Holman at:
They say you should have an inspiration to achieve a goal, you are my living inspiration Donovan. I am generally a hard sell, because am sold on action and visible changes to be persuaded. Your body transformation is AMAZING and a testament to all your hard work. I will definitely continue to jog and keep you up to date with my progress!
ReplyDeleteAwww thanks Keisha, those words are equally encouraging for me too. What some people refuse to get it's that to do this requires a lifestyle adjustment that is easier said than done. I have given up so much and with no regrets because at the end of the day my health has to come first. Keep going girl, we will be watching your progress. i am sure my readers enjoyed the piece as much as i did reading it