Monday 13 February 2012

The Devil is in the Detail

Madonna and Nicki Minaj's Performances during Super Bowl and the Grammy's! 
By John Pastah P Parker ( A servant of God)

Last week, the Super Bowl took place & viewership was at an all time high. The game itself was entertaining and exciting, but at the end of the night, what took place at halftime, became full-time talk, Madonna's performance. Remember, the Super Bowl is watched by the most people of all events shown on television. So, the devil made sure he had the world stage and the world watching, to slip in spiritualism, occultism, and the Illuminati, while he (Satan), had everyone's attention. 
Madonna & MIA at the Super Bowl

It was no accident, you saw what you saw at half-time and the devil made sure EVERYONE had an opportunity not to only see it, but plant a seed of evil in the heart and the subconscious minds of those watching. Many are still talking about the half-time show and WHY was it granted permission when basically, the whole world was watching. Well, the old devil was in the details.

The devil wasn't through yet. We shift to the week after the Super Bowl, to the Grammy's, music's biggest and grandest stage for those in the music industry. 

Some people were inclined to watch the Grammy’s; normally I'm not one of them. On Saturday afternoon, February 11, there was BREAKING NEWS that Whitney Houston had died. Mind you, this happened on the eve of the Grammy's. 

Whitney at the Grammy's 1985
The world stood still, in shock and amazement that the GREATEST VOICE of our time and era had passed. Whitney was preparing to open up for Clive Davis' pre-Grammy Party as she always does. But this time, neither fate nor destiny would have it so. Everyone is scrambling and scratching their heads trying to make sense of it all. Emotions were high with the Grammy's itself, but now feelings were mixed because her untimely death. 

I personally believe, that in the mercy and providential will of God, that he allowed the greatest singer the world has known, who also had her challenges with substance abuse, alcohol, smoking, etc.., to be a WAKE UP CALL to those within the same profession to see their "dark side", through her death. It was NO ACCIDENT; she was at the Beverly Hilton Hotel, with her friends and colleagues in the music industry. Fame, fortune, power, and prestige were not enough to stop the icy fingers of death from claiming Whitney's life.

Jennifer Hudson 
Believe me when I tell you my friends, the handwriting on the wall, were seen by all who were present at the Grammy's and those of us who watched. Trying to make sense of it all, the pieces just didn't fit. All the major networks were told there would a tribute honoring the life and legacy of Whitney Houston. The prayer by L. L. Cool J. and the moment of silence were done and condolences to the families were extended. 

We all concluded that something grand and great would be done for this great woman, with a stellar career, spanning over 30 successful years, yet we sat with bated breath through and high expectation, for the Tribute by Jennifer Hudson, which was very emotional and passionate and spectacular. After singing for 1:07 seconds, we asked, IS THAT ALL? Where's the Tribute? Okay, so we're all FIRE MAD because Whitney put the Grammy's on the map during her 30 year career, and to only sing "ONE SONG" in her honor?

I believe the tribute should have been last, so everyone would leave remembering a remarkable woman who gave so much, for so long. Yet, the show took a terrible turn with some of the performers after the tribute. After waiting all evening for the tribute and to be sorely disappointed at the brevity of it, then Nicki Minaj hits the stage.

Nikki Minaj performing at the Grammy's
Bear in mind that with Whitney's passing and tribute in her honor expected, millions more than usual tuned in. Again, the whole world looks on, just as they did during the Super Bowl. 

The devil seized the moment and got in the details, AGAIN! I don't think any of us were prepared to see what we saw with Nicki Minaj's performance. 

Minaj arriving at the Grammy's

According to they had this to say about the performance: "She arrived at Sunday's (Feb. 12) Grammy Awards in a red garment reminiscent of one Roman Catholic cardinal’s wear and accompanied by a guy dressed like the pope. 
She kept the dress/clerical robe on throughout the show, and then took the stage around 11 p.m. ET for... Well, we're really not sure what to call her performance of 'Roman Holiday', which included her red-carpet friend (who in the interim had been demoted to a regular priest), dancing monks, Minaj strapped to a table, inquisition-style, levitation, a lot of stained-glass windows and a filmed piece depicting an exorcism.

Nikki Minaj
Near as we can tell, the 'Roman' she's referring to is her alter ego Roman Zolanski, whom Minaj has referred to as a demon living inside her (hence the exorcism, we guess). 'Roman holiday' is a track on her forthcoming album 'Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded', which is all about that persona. We're sure that someone from the Catholic League or a similar group will issue an angry denouncement of the performance, but we almost feel like it was so over the top that it's hard to take seriously as any kind of statement on God, religion or any church."

It is obvious; Satan got in the details and exposed us to spiritualism and devil worship while the whole world watched. It is unfortunate, individuals are so blind and unwilling to see that the devil knows his time is short and he went out of his way to capitalize on two of the most prized and coveted weekends, the Super Bowl and the Grammy's, to expose himself for who he is. 

Instead on reflecting on Whitney's life and legacy, our attention centers on WHY such a performance was permitted in the first place. All I can say is that, JESUS IS ABOUT TO RETURN! Just as we weren't expecting Whitney Houston's death, we should be mindful, that we could be next. The real questions is, are we ready to close our eyes for the final time and are we in the ark of safety should Jesus Return.

God has given each of us that "One Moment in Time" to make all things right! You Make The Choice, Jesus Will Make The Change!

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1 comment:

  1. Nicki Minaj really really scared me during her performance at the Grammys. And this is coming from a man who isn't easily shaken. I wondered what possessed the Grammys to ever allow such an uncomfortable feeling to embrace the stage in the first place...

    Madonna's performance was pretty good, for her age and the fact that the music might've passed her by.

